To revert local check in.
git reset Head~1
To view the changes recently reset,
git reset Head~1
To view the changes recently reset,
git reflog show HEAD
git reflog.
This will show you your recent resets and other history.
You can restore it again using following command.
git reset --hard <commit hash>
above command will destroy any local modifiction so better stash them.
To merge your development branch into master.
1. Check out the branch.
git checkout development
2.Merge your changes from master into development. (This step is necessary so that you can resolve any merge conflict locally in your development branch. )
git merge development
3. Check out the master branch now.
git checkout master
4. Merge the development branch into master. (Make sure to use --no-ff to persist your history.)
git merge --no-ff development.
5. Push your changes to the master.