Thursday, February 27, 2020

Getting Azure Function App Cloud Stream in Command Prompt

  1. Get your publish profile and extract your username and password.

  1. Execute in CMD:
    curl -u 'myUserName:password'
Can you set new setting SCM_TRACE_LEVEL=4 and after that in the Kudu logs you would get more information. Because usually this is normally related to Network management.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Cloud Web App TroubleShooting

  1. Capture a dump on Kudu

  1. The auto heal feature with this you can set up a custom mitigation actions to run when some conditions are met( You can configure what you need). You can find more information about this feature on the following articles and how to collect the memory dump using this feature:

  1. You can capture a dump on the portal you can attached a document on this email with a step by step guide.

  1. For the crash dump that you asked me. You can use the crash diagnose tool and you can find more details on the following articles: