Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Copy Docker Image from One machine to another

go to the machine that has image. run following command. You need to use repository name and tag.  if you don't use them but use image id, that tag and repository won't carry over to the new image.

docker save microsoft/bcsandbox:us > c:\newd365.tar

Once done, copy the file to the new machine and import it using following command.

docker load -i c:\newd365.tar

It may take a while and then you should get the image.

list the images using
docker image ls -a

and you should see the image. 

Monday, July 15, 2019

Getting and Killing Process running at certain port

Get all the processes running at port using

netstat -ano | findstr :yourPortNumber

and then
kill using pid
taskkill /pid {processid} /f